José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar

José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar DokStation

José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar


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Regie: Helen Murphy, Frank Licari, Khoa Lee/ US / 2022 / 1h30min
Distribuție: José Feliciano, Carlos Santana, Gloria Estefan, Rudy Perez

* Proiecția va fi urmată de Q&A cu regizoarea Helen Murphy

De pe dealurile din Puerto Rico și străzile din Spanish Harlem, și până la aparițiile pe scenele internaționale, José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar documentează cei 60 de ani de carieră muzicală, precum și viața extraordinară a legendei José Feliciano, de nouă ori laureat la premiile Grammy.

În ciuda sărăciei ce i-a marcat copilăria, a dizabilității, prejudecăților rasiale și obstacolelor aparent insurmontabile, José Feliciano devine primul artist Latino laureat la Grammy, în 1968 (Best New Artist și Best Song pentru Light My Fire).

Considerat de mulți drept unul dintre cei mai mari chitariști contemporani, Feliciano a fost unul dintre primii artiști care au combinat jazz, rock, pop, blues, flamenco și influențe Latino pentru a crea un stil muzical unic.


From the hills of Puerto Rico to the streets of Spanish Harlem to the World Stage; José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar chronicles the sixty-year career and ‘against all odds’ life of 9-time Grammy winner and musical icon, José Feliciano

Despite an impoverished upbringing, a life-long disability and a career confronting adversity, racism, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, José Feliciano becomes the first ever Latino crossover artist and the first Latino to win a Grammy for Best New Artist in 1968, and Best Song for Light My Fire. Prior to that, he had revolutionized the Spanish bolero becoming a sensation throughout Latin America. After winning multiple Grammys, he went on to become the first to stylize the American national anthem, the first global pop star to have a hit in three different languages and the first Latino pop star to have a country music hit from the hit movie “Fargo”. 

He is considered by many in the world to be one of the greatest guitarists ever and is currently ranked as the greatest living guitarist, being called the Picasso of his realm, and widely known for being one of the first to blend jazz, rock, pop, blues, flamenco with his Latin influences to create a unique style of music.

He has had top 10 hits in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and across South and Central America as well as throughout Europe including the UK, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, and France. His global Christmas song, “Feliz Navidad,” can be heard in all parts of the world and in 2021 it re-entered the Billboard Charts in the top ten, fifty years after its release!

Devoted husband and father of three, José is an active recording artist with Anthem Records and continues to tour internationally. José Feliciano: Behind This Guitar is an inspiring tribute and celebration of the legacy, the music, and the man who overcame obstacles and broke down barriers blazing a musical path for others to follow.

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